A Day in the Life of an AI Engineer

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a field of endless possibilities. AI engineers are the creative professionals responsible for designing intelligent systems that have reshaped how we live and work.

They possess numerous skills that they use to solve complex problems every day. But what does a typical day look like for these professionals in the tech industry?

This article offers a glimpse into the daily life of AI engineers, explaining their routines, responsibilities, and more. So, keep reading to learn what it is like to be an AI engineer.

What a typical working day looks like for an AI engineer

Before we dive into the routine of an AI engineer, understand that no two AI engineers have the same routine. A variety of factors, such as project specifics and the industry type, influence each engineer’s daily activities.

The following routine is what a general day might look like for an AI engineer.

Starting the day on the right foot – the morning routine (6 am to 9 am)

They generally start their day with a healthy routine that awakens not only their body but also their cognitive abilities, which will help them handle challenging tasks throughout the day.

They perform activities ranging from meditation to exercise to increase focus and strength. Then, they consume a healthy breakfast to fuel their mind and body.

They may listen to podcasts about the latest AI innovations or read news over their morning coffee to keep their knowledge updated.

Like many other professionals, they may also create a to-do list to complete all important tasks with a clear direction and plan. Once all these tasks are done, they leave for the office.

Starting the work with activities that require deep focus (9 am to 11 am)

They start their workday with checking emails and messages. They respond to all the important calls and emails to ensure they are updated with any developments or changes that may have occurred overnight.

This early communication helps them ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards mutual goals.

Since there are fewer distractions at this time, AI engineers immerse themselves in tasks that require the utmost focus and attention. They create new algorithms to solve complex problems, develop new models, or refine existing ones.

They conduct big data analysis to extract insights that can serve as the foundation for their projects. This involves data collection, refinement, formatting, storage, and critical analysis. For these tasks, they may collaborate with data analysts to get assistance from the data experts.

Team stand-up meetings before lunch (11 am to 12 pm)

This is when AI engineers bring all team members together, physically or virtually, to discuss day’s objectives and challenges.

All team members share the latest updates on the project and challenges if they are facing any. They also outline their plans for the day and support each other to maintain the project’s momentum.

Engineers, developers, and project managers all have open-ended discussions to find solutions to existing problems. They brainstorm ideas to create AI solutions that can transform industries and improve everyday life.

The welcoming environment of these meetings encourages all participants to communicate and share their ideas without hesitation. This not only helps find innovative solutions but also promotes a strong sense of bonding between all.

Boosting energy with lunch breaks (12 pm to 1 pm)

Lunchtime gives professionals an opportunity to have informal chats over meals with like-minded people.

They discuss the latest AI findings and ideas with each other that support their personal growth and professional advancement. These conversations may not be related to the project they are working on but are essential for sparking innovative thinking.

This time allows them to chit-chat with colleagues without the formalities of the workplace dictating the flow of conversation.

Additionally, it lets them disconnect from screens and connect with themselves briefly to recharge their intellectual batteries. These mental breaks help them regain their energy and maintain performance during afternoon tasks.

Afternoon work session (1 pm to 4.30 pm)

After gaining fresh energy post-lunch, AI engineers immerse themselves in the most complicated tasks. These can range from writing complex algorithms to optimising machine learning models.

All these tasks require intense focus so that the engineers can divide technical problems into manageable tasks. AI engineers use a trial-and-error approach to experiment with innovative approaches and find solutions.

During this time, they also collaborate with cross-functional teams. The goal is clear: to ensure that all teams work towards the same goals and that their work is in harmony.

This collaboration allows AI engineers to have discussions with various teams, including the marketing and product development teams. They learn from them about their latest AI-related findings and how they are planning to use them for project development.

Wrapping up the day (4.30 pm to 6 pm)

As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, AI engineers start focusing more on documenting and reporting.

They share all their findings with team leaders, managers, stakeholders, and, sometimes, clients in an understandable format. It allows them to inform their seniors about where the project stands, what has been achieved so far, and what still needs to be done.

Additionally, they document all their experiments, codes, results, and findings to create a record of their contributions. They can use this documentation to build new products upon previous work without having to start from scratch each time. The lessons stored in these documents can also benefit their colleagues.

From 5.30 pm to 6 pm, they may set goals for the coming day. They write objectives and prioritise important tasks to create a roadmap for the next day so they can make the most of it.

The evening routine (6 pm to 7.30 pm)

The evening routine of AI engineers helps them unwind, reflect, and show gratitude. Now that screens have gone dark, they take a break from the AI world and focus more on self-care, mental health, and personal growth.

They conduct activities, ranging from a leisure walk to yoga, to relax and reset their mind and body.

Factors that shape the working day of an AI engineer

The following factors influence the routine of an AI engineer.

Industry type

Many industries, including health, finance, and education, have incorporated AI into their systems to achieve better results. This has created more work opportunities for AI engineers and allowed them to choose a niche they are passionate about.

Although the core activities of AI engineers working across different industries are the same, each field has its own needs, demands, and expectations.

For instance, AI engineers in healthcare handle patient data to create AI solutions that can revolutionise different aspects of the sector. In contrast, those in manufacturing focus on developing systems that optimise production, aiming to generate more products using fewer resources and less time.

Project phase and goals

The project phase and related goals significantly influence the routines of AI engineers. At the beginning of a project, they spend most of their time reading literature, brainstorming ideas, and conducting meetings.

Once the details are finalised, their focus shifts to more complicated activities such as writing algorithms, coding, and testing. Finally, in the deployment phase, they work on optimising and maintaining the AI program.

The collaborative nature of the project

Some projects require extensive collaboration, while others do not. AI engineers have to spend lots of time on meetings with clients, stakeholders, and other team members.

These meetings are crucial as they help them set clear goals, brainstorm ideas, and find innovative solutions. The nature, frequency, and duration of these meetings vary depending on their purposes. Hence, they influence the work routine of engineers.

Work environment and company culture

AI engineers can also work remotely. So, the routine of an AI engineer who works from home will certainly be very different from that of an engineer who goes to the office. Remote workers will have more flexibility, but they will also require more self-discipline.

Similarly, the company’s culture also shapes their work routine. Work hours and opportunities to maintain work-life balance are not the same everywhere.

AI engineer’s responsibilities

Machine learning (ML) or AI engineers play diverse roles in organisations, including:

  • Understanding the problems of the client and creating objectives accordingly
  • Dividing a problem into manageable and achievable tasks
  • Brainstorming innovative AI solutions
  • Writing complex algorithms for each problem
  • Building AI models from scratch
  • Optimising and maintaining AI programs
  • Analysing big data to extract valuable information from it
  • Conducting AI experiments and tests
  • Training AI models until they get the desired results
  • Coordinating with other team members to work towards mutual goals
  • Collaborating with other departments to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Presenting their findings to clients and stakeholders in a comprehensible way

AI engineer skills

AI engineers need a blend of technical and non-technical business skills to perform their duties efficiently. Some of the most in-demand AI engineering skills are:

Technical skills

  • Programming
  • Machine learning
  • Data analysis
  • Data handling
  • Statistics and probability
  • Natural language processing (NLP)
  • Ethical AI

Non-technical skills

  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Time management
  • Communication skills

AI engineer work hours

Like other professionals, AI or ML engineers work 7 to 9 hours daily. The number of hours they work is governed by their project’s demands and the company’s needs.

If you plan to join this field, expect to work around 40 hours per week.

The average salary of an AI engineer

Many factors, including work experience, location, and company type, influence the salary of AI engineers. However, according to Glassdoor data, the average salary of an AI engineer in the US is around $127,962 per year.

The future of work for AI engineers

The increasing integration of AI across various industries and the rapid advancement of technologies have significantly increased the demand for AI engineers.

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, the global AI market is expected to reach $267 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33.2% from 2020 to 2027. This promising figure indicates that the future outlook for AI engineers is undoubtedly bright.

How to become an AI engineer?

Becoming an AI engineer involves a structured approach to acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. Here is a brief step-by-step guide:

  1. Start by getting a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
  2. Learn some technical and non-technical skills via online and offline courses.
  3. Work on real-world projects to gain practical experience.
  4. Create a professional portfolio to showcase your talents, skills, and expertise.
  5. Build a network by attending conferences and workshops.
  6. Create a captivating CV and apply for your dream job.
  7. Prepare for the interview and impress your potential employer with your skills and knowledge.

Tips for landing a job in AI

Follow these expert advices to get your dream job:

  • You should have a strong command over programming languages (Python, R, and Java), machine learning algorithms, and AI frameworks.
  • Focus on a specific area within AI that is of interest to you so you can specialise and become suitable for jobs demanding expertise in a particular domain.
  • Tailor your CV to the job description you are applying for. Your background, skills, and accomplishments should match the company’s objectives and needs.
  • Never stop learning, no matter how knowledgeable or skilled you become. AI industry trends evolve with time, so staying updated is essential for remaining competitive.
  • Stay proactive in your job search by regularly checking AI job listings on recruitment websites, which are updated daily. These platforms can connect you with opportunities that align with your career goals and skill set.
  • Monitor job announcements on the social media profiles and official websites of companies you are interested in working for. Many companies now prefer to advertise job openings on social media first.
  • Landing an AI job can take time. So, be patient and work on yourself while you pursue your dream.

Summing it up

AI engineers have a tough yet rewarding routine that helps them work smartly while finding innovative AI solutions.

They work long hours writing complex algorithms and designing AI systems to develop machine learning programs. Their work requires attention to detail, creativity, and focus.

AI engineers keep themselves updated about the latest research and advancements in the field to adapt to the changing industry demands.

Join this field if you are passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and solving complex problems with AI!

15 Skills Recruiters Look for in Data Scientists

Statistics reveals that nearly 328.77 million terabytes of data are generated every day. This vast amount of data contains valuable insights that can help governments, businesses and organisations predict future trends, understand target audiences and make data-driven decisions.

So, they hire data gurus, AKA data scientists, to interpret complex data, identify valuable information, and share it in an understandable way with a lay audience.

Employers and recruiters look for a combination of technical and interpersonal skills in data science candidates to choose the one that best suits their needs. Whether you are an aspiring or an expert data scientist, you should have these skills and the ability to evolve with the changing industry demands.

This article reveals the top 15 data scientist skills sought after by hirers in potential candidates. It also explains how you can develop them to excel in your career and more.

Technical skills for data scientists

Programming languages

Data scientists require proficiency in various programming languages to manipulate and analyse data effectively. While thousands of programming languages exist, python, R, SQL, Scala, and Java are considered the most popular among data scientists.

You should have a strong command of these languages, so you can use them to extract meaningful insights from data and make impactful decisions.

Big data

The explosion of data demands the use of big data to gather, store, process, and analyse valuable insights from diverse datasets. Data scientists should have a mastery of big data analytics.

They should have an understanding of machine learning algorithms, data mining techniques, and statistical methods. It will allow them to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations within large, complex datasets.

Statistical analysis

Data science is about using algorithms and statistical methods to understand data better. Data scientists apply their understanding of statistics and probability to predict future data behaviours and advise their company’s leaders with this knowledge.

They are skilled in spotting trends, forecasting outcomes, identifying unusual data patterns, linking data points, and filling in gaps in datasets.

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)

In today’s data science field, understanding AI and ML is highly important. ML, a subset of AI, involves crafting algorithms capable of learning tasks autonomously without direct coding.

Skilled data scientists employ various methodologies, such as supervised and unsupervised learning, alongside tools to analyse vast datasets and devise adaptive solutions.

Data collection, transformation and loading

Data collection, transformation, and loading are essential processes in data management. They involve gathering data from various sources, converting it into a format suitable for analysis, and then storing it in a database or data warehouse.

This skill is crucial for ensuring data integrity and accessibility, enabling analysts to gather insights and make informed decisions efficiently. Mastery of these processes is fundamental for effective data analysis.

Data structures and algorithms

For data scientists, proficiency in data structures and algorithms is essential for analysing and interpreting complex datasets.

Such knowledge enables them to design effective and scalable solutions, which is crucial for managing large volumes of data, optimising machine learning models, and solving intricate problems in data analysis and predictive modelling.

Data wrangling

Data wrangling involves the refinement of raw data by cleaning, transforming null values, and removing anomalies to prepare it for analysis across various platforms.

Mastery of data wrangling enables data scientists to integrate different data forms, facilitating the transfer of large datasets to analytical tools for trend detection.

Data visualisation

Data scientists need to translate complex data into an understandable format. It helps non-tech people like shareholders and marketers make decisions easily.

To do this, they use colourful and clear graphs, charts, maps, and other visualisation tools. They understand each tool’s purpose and know when to use one. Their proficiency extends to various tools, such as ggplot, Qlik Sense, Power BI, and Tableau, which create clear and impactful visual representations of data.

Database management

For data scientists, expertise in managing, preserving, and accessing large volumes of data is essential. They are familiar with fundamental database management principles that allow them to retrieval information from organisational databases.

As data scientists have to go through diverse databases across different companies, knowledge of various database tools and systems becomes crucial for effective data storage, modification, and analysis.

Website scraping

Website scraping is a valuable skill for data scientists. It enables the extraction of data from web pages. This involves accessing websites and collecting specific information, often for gathering large datasets from publicly available sources.

Proficiency in web scraping tools and techniques allows data scientists to automate data collection. This skill is crucial for compiling datasets not readily available in structured formats, facilitating comprehensive data analysis, trend identification, and informed decision-making.

Mathematics skills

Data scientists use advanced mathematics to construct machine-learning models and handle complex problems. Essential mathematics topics for a strong foundation in data science include linear algebra, calculus, probability, regression and vector models.

Mastery of these subjects is crucial for applying algorithms successfully in real-world scenarios.

Model building and deployment

This skill involves the development and implementation of predictive models that turn data into actionable insights.

It involves selecting the appropriate algorithms, training models on datasets, and evaluating their performance. Once optimised, these models are deployed into production environments where they can automate decision-making processes.

This skill ensures that data scientists can create reliable, scalable models that effectively address challenges and add value to their organisation.

Soft skills for data scientists

Business acumen

Understanding the business context is crucial for data scientists. This skill involves grasping the industry’s dynamics, goals, and challenges. It allows them to align their analyses and models with strategic business objectives.

It is about seeing the bigger picture and ensuring data-driven solutions are relevant and impactful.


The ability to communicate complex data insights in understandable terms to non-technical stakeholders is vital.

Good communication helps connect the world of data science with the planning side of business. This makes it easier for companies to make smart choices and helps everyone in the company get better at understanding and using data.

Critical thinking

Data scientists must evaluate assumptions, analyse data sources critically, and challenge conclusions to ensure accuracy and reliability. This skill helps them to uncover true insights and drive objective and evidence-based conclusions.

Problem solving

Data scientists face various challenges every day. They can tackle them efficiently if they have good problem-solving skills.

This involves breaking down problems into smaller, manageable parts and applying analytical approaches to solve them. It often requires creativity and a deep understanding of data and algorithms.

Intellectual curiosity

A keen interest in exploring new questions, learning new techniques, and understanding emerging trends is essential for data scientists.

This continuous pursuit of knowledge keeps them at the forefront of technological advances and analytical methods, enabling them to apply cutting-edge solutions to data challenges.


Collaborating effectively with other professionals, including engineers, business leaders, and product managers, is key. Data scientists must work within teams to integrate insights and models into operational processes.

How to develop data scientist skills?

1.      Academic foundation

Begin with a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, computer science, or a related field through formal education. Getting a bachelor’s or master’s degree can really help you understand the tough concepts of data science.

2.      Technical proficiency

Gain proficiency in programming languages such as Python or R, which are essential for data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning. Familiarise yourself with databases and SQL for data retrieval, and dive into machine learning frameworks and libraries to build and deploy models.

3.      Practical application

Apply what you have learned through projects. Start with simple data sets to practise cleaning, analysing, and visualising data. Gradually progress to more complex problems. Projects not only support learning but also build a portfolio that can showcase your skills to potential employers.

4.      Continuous learning

The field of data science is rapidly evolving, so staying informed about the latest technologies, algorithms, and best practices is crucial.

Online courses, workshops, and webinars can provide essential education. Participate in data science competitions on platforms like Kaggle to challenge yourself and learn from the community.

5.      Soft skills development

Focus on developing soft skills alongside technical abilities. Practice presenting your findings to both technical and non-technical audiences to enhance your communication skills.

Work on projects as part of a team to build collaboration skills. Cultivate intellectual curiosity by exploring new data sets and problems, and refine your critical thinking by questioning assumptions and testing hypotheses.

6.      Networking and mentorship

Engage with the data science community through meetups, conferences, and online forums. Networking can provide insights into industry trends and job opportunities. Seek mentorship from experienced data scientists to gain guidance and feedback on your career path.

How to showcase your data science skills at the workplace?

Showcasing your data science skills at the workplace involves:

  • Lead data-driven projects: Initiate projects that use your data science skills to address business objectives.
  • Present insights effectively: Translate complex data findings into actionable insights for non-technical audiences.
  • Contribute to team discussions: Offer data-backed solutions and fresh perspectives in team meetings.
  • Stay updated: Continuously learn new tools and techniques to remain updated.
  • Demonstrate technical abilities: Apply your expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and predictive modelling in your daily work.

How to highlight data scientist skills on your resume?

Highlighting data scientist skills on your resume involves showcasing both your technical and non-technical skills in a way that aligns with the job you are applying for.

Begin by listing key technical skills, such as proficiency in Python, R, SQL, machine learning, and data visualisation tools, under a dedicated ‘Skills’ section.

Incorporate specific projects and achievements that show your ability to apply these skills in real-world scenarios. Do not forget to include experiences that indicate your problem-solving capabilities, teamwork, and communication skills.

Tailor your resume to highlight the skills most relevant to the position you are applying for. You can do this by using keywords from the job description to ensure your resume resonates with hiring managers and passes through applicant tracking systems effectively.

Top data science tools you must learn

In the ever-evolving field of data science, learning basic tools is essential for any aspiring data scientist.

Python and R are the most popular programming languages, offering extensive libraries and frameworks for data analysis, visualisation, and machine learning, such as Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and ggplot2.

SQL is necessary for data retrieval, manipulation, and management within databases. For big data processing, Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark provide powerful platforms for handling vast datasets efficiently.

Tableau and Power BI stand out for data visualisation, enabling the creation of insightful and interactive dashboards. GitHub serves as a vital tool for version control, collaboration, and showcasing projects.

Learning these tools makes data scientists able to extract insights from data, build predictive models, and effectively communicate results.

Data science ethics and responsible practice

  • Transparent data handling: Maintain transparency in data collection, processing, and usage, ensuring stakeholders understand how their data is being utilised.
  • Privacy protection: Safeguard individuals’ privacy by anonymising sensitive data and adhering to privacy regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.
  • Fairness and bias mitigation: Implement measures to minimise bias in algorithms and models, ensuring fair treatment across various demographic groups.
  • Accountability: Take responsibility for the consequences of data-driven decisions and try to correct any unintentional negative impacts.
  • Continuous education: Stay informed about emerging ethical issues and best practices in data science ethics.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Involve stakeholders in decision-making processes, seeking input and feedback to ensure ethical considerations are addressed.
  • Ethics committees: Establish ethics committees within organisations to evaluate the ethical implications of data science projects and provide guidance on responsible practices.

Summing it up

The role of a data scientist requires a multifaceted skill set including technical expertise, soft skills, and ethical considerations.

From proficiency in programming languages and statistical methods to effective communication and critical thinking abilities, data scientists play a crucial role in extracting actionable insights from complex datasets.

With their diverse skill set, data scientists can drive innovation, solve complex problems, and make data-driven decisions that positively impact organisations and society as a whole.

15 Entry-Level Data Analyst Jobs To Consider

With the rapid growth in data consumption, the demand for data analysts has increased significantly. These professionals have mastered the art of transforming complex data into valuable insights, allowing organisations to make data-driven decisions.

Many entry-level data analysts are often unsure about which job titles align with their skills and knowledge. If you are new to the industry and find yourself in this situation, you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will introduce you to 15 entry-level data analyst positions suitable for fresh graduates or individuals transitioning careers. We have further explained what skills you need, what job responsibilities to expect, and more.

So, keep reading the article to start your new journey on the right foot and make informed career choices!

15 entry-level data analyst jobs

Junior data analyst

Average salary: $78,995 per year in the US

As the name suggests, these individuals are just starting out on the data analyst position. They work under senior data analysts within a team to support projects according to their analytical abilities.

Their specific duties evolve based on a company’s unique needs and project requirements. Typically, they handle small tasks and report to their more experienced colleagues.

Junior data quality analyst

Average salary: $85,094 per year in the US

Junior data quality analysts mainly test the precision, reliability and consistency of data collected to conduct business operations. They may also clean raw data by removing errors, duplications, and anomalies. They play a crucial role in ensuring the refined data adheres to predefined standards and rules.

Entry-level operations analyst

Average salary: $56,221 per year in the US

These individuals analyse operational processes in an organisation to ensure everything works smoothly. They look for improvements in day-to-day activities and suggest solutions to enhance operational performance. They often analyse data and collaborate with teams to streamline workflows.

Data entry clerk

Average salary: $40,274 per year in the US

Data entry clerks are responsible for transferring data from different sources, such as spreadsheets, paper documents, etc., into digital format. Then, they organise the data, confirming there is no error, and store it in databases.

Some organisations may also ask them to ensure data safety and protection when dealing with sensitive information.

Data analyst intern

Average salary: $76,136 per year in the US

An internship gives recent graduates or college students unique opportunities to hone their analytical skills in a real-world setting. Showing efficiency during an internship could open doors to permanent positions within the company.

Data analyst interns perform small tasks related to data collection, storage, and evaluation according to their skills and project needs.

Entry-level cyber security analyst

Average salary: $81,907 per year in the US

They are involved in establishing an advanced and efficient security system to protect the computer networks of an organisation. They regularly perform security audits under the supervision of seniors to identify and rectify vulnerabilities within the security framework. They may also propose improvements based on their findings.

Entry-level manufacturing analyst

Average salary: $81,808 per year in the US

Manufacturing analysts primarily optimise a company’s manufacturing operations. Their core responsibility revolves around the comprehensive analysis of every facet of the manufacturing process.

They suggest improvements related to cost reduction, reduced waste production, and enhanced productivity. They typically work closely with production teams to study essential data and draw insights.

Entry-level customer support analyst

Average salary: $59,482 per year in the US

These experts use communication and problem-solving skills to effectively engage with customers. They attentively address queries and resolve complaints, ensuring a superior product experience.

Additionally, they meticulously document all interactions, report to seniors, and recommend improvements in customer support strategies.

Junior quality assurance analyst

Average salary: $78,093 per year in the US

Quality assurance (QA) analysts play a pivotal role in enhancing product quality. They gather data from various sources, like customer feedback and surveys, to ensure products meet quality standards.

They may recommend strategies for testing and improving product quality. They may also adjust quality standards in response to changing customer demands.

Entry-level healthcare data analyst

Average salary: $91,319 per year in the US

These professionals specialise in collecting, analysing, and interpreting data within the healthcare sector for various purposes.

In the research field, they extract valuable insights from research articles and provide essential information to researchers.

When working for hospitals, they analyse patient’s records, treatment outcomes, and trends in medical procedures. All in all, they assist organizations in making data-driven decisions for improved healthcare services.

Business analyst consultant

Average salary: $103,487 per year in the US

They work for businesses to analyse related data and offer solutions that meet business objectives. They study the business framework, understand its basic needs, identify areas for improvement, and design efficient, cost-effective plans.

Entry-level marketing analyst

Average salary: $70,619 per year in the US

These marketing experts play a crucial role in designing marketing strategies for businesses. They study marketing trends, consumer behaviour, and market rate-related data to provide valuable insights.

Junior business intelligence analyst

Average salary: $102,835 per year in the US

These analysts collect, process, and evaluate data to provide actionable insights that help businesses increase profit. They evaluate the company’s performance and design key business metrics to share with seniors so they can make better decisions.

Entry-level research analyst

Average salary: $70,157 per year in the US

An entry-level research analyst conducts primary and secondary research to collect data and present findings in a comprehensible way. Their findings help businesses better understand their market, competitors, and target audience.

Junior financial analyst

Average salary: $74,561 per year in the US

Junior financial analysts assist companies in budgeting, forecasting, and examining financial data to assess their performance and financial health. They use their strong quantitative skills to help them find opportunities for financial growth.

In which industries do data analysts work?

The demand for data analysts is high in various industries, showing the growing importance of data-driven decision-making. Here are some industries in which data analysts commonly work:

  • Healthcare
  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • Technology and IT
  • Marketing
  • E-commerce
  • Education and research

What does an entry-level data analyst do?

An entry-level data analyst wears many hats. She/he may perform the following duties in a company:

  • Collect data from various sources and refine it to ensure it is error-free.
  • Organise and store data for further analysis.
  • Use statistical tools to extract valuable information from the data.
  • Use visualisation tools to create graphs and charts to present findings in an understandable format for non-technical staff.
  • Prepare detailed reports for seniors and stakeholders.
  • Contribute to the development of effective data collection strategies.

What are the top data analytics tools you must learn?

As a data analyst, you must be proficient in the following tools to effectively interpret data:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Hadoop
  • QlikView
  • SAS
  • PowerBI
  • Julia
  • RapidMiner
  • Tableau
  • Google Analytics
  • Splunk

What skills do aspiring data analysts must have?

Companies look for the following technical and soft skills in entry-level data analysts. Make sure you write a blend of these on your resume:

  • Programming language (particularly Python, R, and SQL)
  • Machine learning
  • Probability and statistics
  • Data cleaning
  • Data visualisation
  • Data warehousing
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Collaboration

How to become a data analyst with no experience?

  1. Acquire essential skills: You must first learn all the necessary skills mentioned above. There are numerous online sources you can use to take your knowledge and skills to the next level.
  2. Get certified: You do not really need a formal degree to become a data analyst. Getting certificates like the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate can be valuable to show your knowledge.
  3. Gain practical experience: Work on personal projects and participate in online challenges like those on Kaggle to get hands-on experience.
  4. Build a portfolio: Showcase your skills through a professional portfolio. Add details of the projects you have worked on to show your analytical abilities.
  5. Network: Use online platforms (social media groups and forums) as well as offline platforms (webinars, seminars and conferences) to connect with professionals.
  6. Apply for entry-level positions: Look for suitable job titles that match your skill set. Then tailor your resume to the jobs’ descriptions before applying for them.

Where can you find data analyst jobs as a beginner?

Beginners can have a difficult time finding data analyst jobs, but here are some options you must try:

Online job portals: Visit popular job portals like Indeed, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, Kaggle, and Glassdoor daily. These sites regularly post jobs for people of all experience levels.

Networking: Connect with professionals on the Internet or through conferences and meetings to find job opportunities.

Company websites and social media profiles: Most companies announce job vacancies on their official websites and social media profiles. Check these platforms to stay abreast of the latest openings.

Social media groups: Join data analytics groups on platforms like Facebook or Reddit. These can be great places to learn about job opportunities and get career advice.

Freelancing: Freelance platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour provide data analysts of all experience levels an equal opportunity to find online work.

Tips for creating a resume as an entry-level data analyst

As an entry-level data analyst, you may not know how to create a professional resume that creates a good first impression. Follow these tips to design a resume that stands out:

  • Choose a concise and professional format.
  • Highlight your data analyst entry-level resume objectives that are to the point.
  • Give your current contact information.
  • Highlight your educational background, even if it is irrelevant. Mention courses if you have completed any.
  • Emphasise skills and tools essential for data analysts.
  • List any internships or work experience you have. Describe your responsibilities and achievements, preferably with quantifiable results.
  • Use keywords from the job listing to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors in the final document.

Interview preparation for entry-level data analyst roles

Here are some steps to help you prepare well:

  • Revise key data analysis concepts, tools, and skills.
  • Research the company you are applying for and find out how data analysis can help it achieve its goals.
  • Prepare both technical and behavioural questions.
  • Be prepared to discuss specific projects from your portfolio.
  • Be ready to discuss anything on your resume in detail, including your educational background and work experience.
  • Choose professional attire that matches the company culture.

Are there any remote entry-level data analyst jobs available?

Absolutely! Many companies offer remote work options for data analysts since their tasks primarily involve computer-based work. However, occasional visits to the company may be required for meetings and discussions.

What is the data analyst job outlook?

The job outlook for data analysts is highly positive. Various industries, including finance, health, insurance, and technology, are digitalising their work, requiring more and more data analysts to make data-driven decisions.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the demand for occupational research analysts (entry-level data analysts come under this category) is expected to increase by 23% from 2022 to 2032.

What is the entry-level data analyst salary?

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an entry-level data analyst in the US is around $67,485 per year. Know that all the salaries mentioned in this article can vary depending on your location, skill level, company size, and other similar factors.


The field of entry-level data analysis presents a wealth of opportunities, showing its growing demand in today’s data-driven world. If you keep working on your skill set, knowledge and practical experience, you will find yourself in a strong position in the job market.

There are many job titles that entry-level data analysts can apply for according to their interests, likes, and skills. Whether your interest lies in the health sector, finance, or any other industry, know that there is a place for you in almost every field.

This flexibility not only improves your job options but also offers diverse pathways for career development, ensuring that your role as a data analyst remains both challenging and rewarding.


The Most In-Demand Popular AI Jobs

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. Diverse industries, including health, technology, and education, have incorporated it into their systems to enhance their operations, competitiveness, and customer experiences.

As AI integration deepens, the demand for skilled AI professionals also increases. LinkedIn data shows a notable trend: job listings featuring AI or generative AI have doubled from July 2021 to July 2023, highlighting AI’s growing significance in the job market.

This article explains ten hot AI jobs that you must consider pursuing because of their high demand and a range of other benefits.

Data scientist

Expected average salary: $156,352 per year, according to Glassdoor

Data scientists extract digital data from different sources, such as databases and social media. They refine raw data to organise it and make it more understandable. Once done, they employ numerous techniques, including clustering and regression, to extract useful insights from this data.

They make data-driven future predictions, find hidden patterns, and resolve intricate problems.

Furthermore, they play an essential role in sharing their findings with other teams, contributing to the organisation’s informed decision-making processes and enhancing overall performance.

Data scientists possess a wide variety of skills, including programming, machine learning, statistical analysis, and data manipulation.

Software engineer

Expected average salary: $139,558 per year, according to Glassdoor

In the AI field, software engineers are responsible for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software that facilitates AI applications.

First, they write codes to develop software according to the project objectives. Next, they design software systems and perform extensive testing to make the system error-free. They ensure the software is according to the user’s needs.

Once the software is deployed, they maintain it to keep it functional and secure throughout its lifespan. Software engineers also document their systems to help others understand their technical specifications.

Must-have skills for software engineers include programming, backend development, web development, software architecture, testing and debugging.

Data engineer

Expected average salary: $124,965 per year, according to Glassdoor

Data engineers play multiple roles in an organisation. Their key responsibility is to design, develop, and install data pipelines. In addition, they construct secure and well-maintained data storage systems.

Their expertise extends to creating Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) systems, ensuring the safe extraction of required data, its transformation for analytical purposes, and its seamless integration into storage systems.

Data engineers ensure data scientists and analysts always have access to processed data so they can use them whenever they want to draw beneficial insights.

If you want to pursue this career, you must learn programming languages, data modelling, database design, data integration, and data security-related skills.

AI research scientist

Expected average salary: $132,286 per year, according to Glassdoor

As the name indicates, AI research scientists conduct research in the AI field to develop and implement new AI technologies and applications.

They spend a lot of time reading publications to collect valuable data, stay abreast of dynamic shifts within the AI world, and draw meaningful conclusions. They develop prototypes, conduct experiments to test their AI-related hypothesis and develop algorithms.

Essential skills for AI research scientists include programming skills, mathematics, statistics, research methodology, experimentation, and machine learning.

Product manager

Expected average salary: $156,417 per year, according to Glassdoor

Product managers handle all the important stages of an AI-driven product’s or system’s lifecycle. They help define product strategy according to the customers’ needs, the organisations’ goals and the development team’s capabilities.

Once a product is launched in the market, they gather user feedback and may update products according to the changing user demands. They identify and remove risks associated with the product development, performance and success.

Product managers play leadership roles in an organisation. They collaborate with different teams to ensure all are on the same page. Additionally, they possess strong problem-solving and communication skills.

Machine learning engineer

Expected average salary: $151,527 per year, according to Glassdoor

Machine learning engineers (ML engineers) work in the AI field to design, build, and maintain programs and systems that can retrieve data and employ it in various tasks.

Their workflow begins with collecting and refining data sets to ensure their compatibility with machine-learning models. Next, they fine-tune these models by carefully selecting the most appropriate algorithms.

They assess the model’s performance, tweak its parameters and conduct rigorous testing to ensure it operates correctly. ML engineers integrate machine learning models into systems and regularly monitor them to address issues on time.

An ML engineer must be proficient in programming languages and have in-depth knowledge of machine learning algorithms and libraries.

Robotics engineer

Expected average salary: $117,370 per year, according to Glassdoor

Robotics engineers perform a wide range of tasks to create robots and robotic systems from scratch. They develop all the necessary elements of a robot, including its mechanical, electrical and software components.

They also write codes to control their functions and behaviour. They incorporate sensory systems into them to enable them to interact with their surroundings. They ensure that the built robot can navigate through different environments and avoid obstacles.

Robotics engineers use their AI knowledge to make robots extract data from different sources and apply it to solve specific challenges. They further engage in rigorous experimentation to assess the performance of robotic systems and refine algorithms as needed.

If you aspire to pursue this career path, ensure you have enough knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, programming and robot operating systems (ROS).

NLP engineer

Expected average salary: $152,578 per year, according to Glassdoor

Natural language processing engineers create systems that understand and generate natural language data or human language.

Their core responsibilities involve crafting algorithms that excel in a range of language-related tasks. This includes functions such as text summarization, language translation, and text classification based on various factors, including domain specificity.

NLP engineers are expected to possess a versatile skill set that shows their technical expertise, domain knowledge and problem-solving abilities. They work in different fields, including tech companies, AI research, and customer service.

AI quality assurance manager

Expected average salary: $117,156 per year, according to Glassdoor

AI quality assurance (QA) managers play a crucial role in evaluating AI systems, ensuring they not only meet the company’s quality objectives but also comply with ethical principles.

Their responsibilities begin with the creation of quality assurance systems aligned with industry standards. They then proceed to assess AI system performance through a variety of tests. They document their findings and share them with stakeholders and other teams to get their valuable input.

Companies seek AI quality assurance managers with a diverse skill set that includes programming, scripting, software testing, machine learning, and critical thinking.

Key factors driving AI job demand

The following factors contribute to the increased demand for AI professionals.

Advancement in technologies: Technology is evolving rapidly, which is creating new possibilities for people to integrate AI into systems and improve their overall capabilities and performance.

Data explosion: The relentless growth in internet usage results in a staggering production of 328.77 million terabytes of data per day. Industries require proficient tools to extract valuable insights from this vast data. It increases the need for AI professionals who can create, integrate, and maintain such tools.

Industry adoption: Diverse sectors, including healthcare, technology, education, and finance, are increasingly leveraging AI to gain a competitive edge. Consequently, they are seeking a larger pool of AI talent to manage tasks related to AI tools.

Innovation and research: Users’ demands evolve with time. Industries need experts to test and explore different algorithms and technologies in order to generate superior AI systems that meet users’ needs.

Funding and investment: Governments and companies are channelling more resources into the field of AI, further fueling the demand for skilled individuals in this rapidly expanding industry.

What should you do to become an AI professional?

These steps will guide you in pursuing a career in the AI field.

  1. First things first, get an AI-related degree that shows your expertise in the field and your ability to contribute to a company’s success. A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as computer science or data science, is a minimum requirement.
  2. Next, seek out training and gain practical experience. It will allow you to test your skills and improve them over time.
  3. Once you get enough knowledge and learn the required skills, focus on building an impressive resume and portfolio.
  4. Participate in relevant conferences and workshops to connect with like-minded individuals in the industry.
  5. To find AI job opportunities, utilise search engines like Google and job posting websites such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn, all of which are free and effective tools.
  6. Prepare thoroughly for job interviews, ensuring that you arrive on time and present yourself professionally.
  7. Remember that the AI field is constantly evolving. Stay updated by continually acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Summing it up

AI professionals are in high demand across different industries. Hence, now is the ideal time to become a part of this field. Get a relevant degree, gain hands-on experience, and apply for your dream job.

Join the world of AI to bring revolution to industries, shape the future, and contribute to ground-breaking innovations.

How to Become a Data Scientist Without a Degree?

With 328.77 million terabytes of data being created every day, the role of a data scientist has now become increasingly popular worldwide.

This surge in data creation has sparked interest among many people, including those without a formal degree. However, there is often confusion about whether it is possible to join this field without a degree and, if so, how one can actually achieve it.

If you, too, have this confusion, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the reality of becoming a data scientist without a traditional degree. So, let’s get started!

Can you become a data scientist without a degree?

Traditionally, a degree, particularly in fields like computer science or mathematics, has been required for data science roles. However, things have changed now.

Due to the availability of extensive online resources, it has now become easier than ever to become a data scientist without a formal education.

Also, companies now value practical skills and real-world experience more than mere academic degrees that do not guarantee you have the skill set required for that particular role.

While a degree can be beneficial for credibility, it is not an absolute necessity for a career in data science.

An 8-step guide to becoming a data scientist without a degree

1.      Start with self-learning

The journey to becoming a data scientist without a formal degree begins with self-learning. Self-learning offers numerous benefits, including flexibility and diversity.

Platforms like Coursera, Kaggle, DataCamp and edX provide courses designed by top universities and industry leaders. These courses often include hands-on projects, providing practical experience that is highly valued in the industry.

Many YouTube channels complement these courses by offering free, high-quality tutorials that make complex concepts accessible. Moreover, books and academic journals can also provide in-depth understanding.

Self-learning can be hard for some people as they do not have a mentor or environment that pushes them to work hard. To make this journey successful, remember that the key is to maintain a structured approach.

2.      Learn key concepts and skills

To excel in data science without a degree, it is essential to gain an understanding of key concepts and skills. This involves concepts from various disciplines, such as statistics, mathematics, programming, machine learning, and data analytics.

Statistics form the backbone of data science as it allows you to understand and apply various analytical techniques.

Similarly, programming is crucial as these are the primary tools used in data analysis and machine learning. Python, SQL, R, and VBA are the top programming languages that a data scientist must know.

Additionally, you should have a strong grasp of machine learning concepts to understand complex data patterns.

3.      Gain proficiency in data science tools

After learning the basic skills and gaining enough knowledge, it is time to learn data science tools. These tools are required for transforming raw data into meaningful insights.

Start by mastering Python libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, Pandas, and NumPy. They are required for data manipulation and analysis.

Familiarize yourself with data visualization tools like Power BI, Datawrapper, and Infogram. They will help present complex data findings in an understandable and visually appealing manner.

Learn version control systems, like Git, to track and manage code changes while collaborating with others.

You should also get expertise in big data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, and Apache Kafka. They will all help you analyze large-scale data sets and extract value from them.

4.      Work on your soft skills

In data science, soft skills are as important as technical skills are. These skills allow you to communicate your findings, collaborate with teams, and make better data-driven decisions.

Develop strong verbal and written communication skills. They will allow you to explain complex data insights more simply to non-tech individuals in your team.

Work on your problem-solving skills as well. Data scientists often face challenging scenarios where critical thinking and quick decision-making are required. Having these skills will help them navigate through complex data challenges effectively.

Time management and project management skills are also essential. These help prioritise tasks, meet deadlines, and smartly manage resources and projects.

Enhancing all these soft skills not only improves your professional effectiveness but also significantly increases your value as a data scientist in any organization.

5.      Gain hands-on experience

Gaining practical experience is invaluable in the journey to becoming a proficient data scientist without a degree. It allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, sharpening your skills and understanding.

Start with personal projects or data challenges on platforms like Kaggle. It offers a multitude of problems to solve that not only help build your technical skills but also showcase your problem-solving capabilities.

Internships or part-time roles in data science can also provide practical experience. These opportunities often offer mentorship from experienced professionals. Even roles like data analysis or business intelligence that are somewhat related to data science can provide relevant experience.

These experiences are not just about technical skills. They help develop soft skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

6.      Create an online presence

Showcase your skills, experiences, and interests to a global audience by creating an online presence.

Start by identifying your professional goals and the audience you want to reach so you know what platforms to use and which kind of content to create.

Next, create profiles on relevant platforms. LinkedIn is the preferred choice for professionals. It is where you can show your experience, share industry-related content, and connect with peers and leaders in your field. Platforms like X (Twitter) and YouTube can also be equally beneficial.

Since the competition is high on these platforms, you must maintain consistency by regularly updating your profiles. Share recent accomplishments, projects, or articles you have written. Boost your visibility by engaging with others and contributing to discussions.

Turn your online presence into an evolving portfolio that attracts interested hiring companies and helps them see your worth.

7.      Connect with professionals

Networking is essential for building any career, especially if you do not have a formal degree. It allows you to connect with industry experts and learn from them. Additionally, it opens doors to new opportunities and insights.

Platforms like LinkedIn, Meetup.com, and dedicated data science forums are excellent for connecting with peers. Participating in discussions, webinars, and Q&A sessions on these platforms can enhance your visibility.

You should also try attending industry conferences, seminars, and workshops. They will allow you to learn about the latest trends and technologies in data science.

Volunteering for data science projects can also be a great way to network and gain experience at the same time. It can showcase your commitment to the field and lead to meaningful connections.

8.      Stay updated with industry trends

The field of data science is continually evolving, which is why a commitment to lifelong learning is essential.

You can achieve this goal by reading industry blogs, attending webinars, enrolling in advanced courses, and participating in forums. Learning about all the updates and trends ensures that your skills remain relevant and competitive in the job market.

Entry-level data scientist jobs

Entry-level data scientist roles provide an opportunity to enter into this evolving field. These roles are typically assigned to recent graduates or individuals transitioning from related fields.

Some examples of these roles include:

  • Data coordinator
  • Business analyst
  • Data collector
  • Machine learning engineer (entry-level)
  • Data science consultant (junior level)
  • Quantitative analyst
  • Statistical analyst
  • Research analyst
  • Data engineer (entry-level)
  • Operations analyst
  • Marketing analyst
  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Junior data scientist

What does a data scientist do?

A data scientist’s role is multifaceted. He/she has numerous responsibilities in an organization, including:

  • Data collection and processing: Gathers raw data from various sources and cleanses it for analysis.
  • Statistical analysis of the data: Applies statistical methods to interpret data.
  • Machine learning and predictive modelling: Develops models using machine learning techniques.
  • Data visualization: Creates graphs, charts, and other visual representations of data to help others understand data findings.
  • Problem-solving and strategy development: Uses data-driven insights to solve business problems and help build better strategies.
  • Collaboration and communication: Works with other teams and communicates findings to stakeholders.
  • Continuous learning: Stays updated with the latest trends and adapts to new tools as required.

How much does a data scientist earn?

Data science is a high-paying field. However, the salary of a data scientist can vary widely depending on various factors such as location, industry, and experience.

On average, a data scientist can earn from $131000 to $189000 in the US. It includes the base and additional salaries (commissions, bonuses, etc.).

Conclusion: Let your data science journey begin

The journey to becoming a data scientist without a traditional degree is both challenging and rewarding. It requires dedication, consistency and determination.

Start this journey with self-learning. Gain knowledge through online resources and become proficient in essential data science tools. Sharpen your skills by doing personal projects. Build an online presence and connect with others.

Once you have enough experience and knowledge, apply for your dream job to start your career, where your findings can make a huge impact.

Tips for Getting a Job in AI: What You Need to Know

The global AI market is projected to reach a whopping $190.61 billion by 2025, indicating a wide variety of career opportunities in this sector. This increase in growth reflects technological advancements and signifies the growing acceptance of AI solutions across various industries.

If you are thinking about pursuing a career in this exciting and expanding field, now is the best time to jump in.

This article explains expert tips and tricks to help you get your dream AI job. So, let’s get started and take the first step toward a promising future in AI.

1.     Understand the basics of AI: Set the foundation

Learn the key concepts

Understanding the foundational principles is crucial when you want to land an AI job.

Algorithms form the backbone of the AI systems. These are set instructions that computers use to process information and execute tasks. Another important branch of AI is machine learning. It allows systems to learn from data and refine their decisions accordingly.

Get familiar with programming languages

A variety of programming languages are used to create and manage AI systems. Python, R, C++, Java, Lisp, and Prolog are a few languages you must be familiar with. Python is one of the most popular languages in this field due to its readability and simplicity.

Some AI professionals also use Java, C++, or even specialised languages like Julia. The key is to be versatile. The more languages you know, the more valuable you become in the job market.

Understand data management

Data is used to create and run AI engines. That is why you must know how to collect, clean, analyse, and store data.

Knowing how to handle different databases (organised data collections that can be easily accessed, managed, and updated) is also crucial. It will allow you to feed the right data into your algorithms, making them more effective and accurate.

2.     Educational requirements: What you need

Get a relevant degree

Having a relevant bachelor’s degree can be very advantageous for people interested in joining an AI career. Some people also go for a master’s or a PhD to get deep into the subject. According to Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey, about 24% of AI and machine learning space professionals have a master’s degree, and about 48% have a bachelor’s degree.

A degree in Computer Science will help you cover a broad range of topics that you will use in AI, such as algorithms, data structures, and programming.

Data Science degrees are helpful as they focus on statistical methods and data analysis techniques that are crucial in AI applications. Some people also opt for degrees in Mathematics, Engineering, or even Physics, as these fields offer relevant skills.

Do online courses

Online courses and certifications are effective in gaining specialisations. Platforms like Coursera, Udacity, and edX provide courses on specific AI topics, such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing. These courses are often designed and taught by industry experts, offering real-world examples and hands-on projects.

Certifications from these courses can add value to your resume.

Publish research papers

Publishing research papers can help you stand out in job applications. Academic journals, conferences, and reputable blogs offer platforms to share your work and show your potential employers your talent.

Research also deepens your understanding of AI and shows your ability to solve complex problems and contribute to the AI field.

3.     Skill development: What employees are looking for

Learn coding

You should know how to code. Python, Java, and R are popular programming languages. Learning one or more of these languages will really help.

Get familiar with AI tools

Learn special tools that make AI work. These are called machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. Learning these tools will make your job easier and impress employers.

Soft skills

Besides having technical skills, you should also have soft skills to work well with people. Problem-solving, communication, time management, critical thinking, adaptability, and teamwork are important soft skills employers look for in potential candidates.

In a LinkedIn survey, 92% of hiring managers said that soft skills are just as important or even more important than technical skills.

Gain hands-on experience

Hands-on practice is important in AI as it allows you to apply the knowledge gained in real-world problems, helping you understand challenges you will not find in textbooks.

Start with personal projects that solve specific problems. Internships and part-time jobs in AI-related roles can also provide practical experience. Some online platforms like Kaggle offer challenges that allow users to test their skills.

4.     Build a portfolio: Show off your skills

Use your portfolio as a tool to show your potential employers your skills. Show them what you can do for their company.

Make sure your portfolio is attention-grabbing. Create personal projects to show that you can identify a problem, come up with a solution, and complete it within time.

You should include a variety of work to indicate you have multiple skills. For instance, you could show how you used machine learning to predict stock prices or how you built a chatbot to remove the communication gap between a company and its potential customers.

5.     Network and mentorship: Make friends to get ahead

Go to events

Going to events like AI meetups, webinars, and conferences can help a lot. You will meet people who are also interested in AI; some might be looking to hire someone like you.

According to a study, around 85% of all jobs are filled through networking. So, make sure to show up and chat with people.

Join AI communities

AI communities offer opportunities for learning, collaboration, and even job placements. Online forums like Reddit’s Machine Learning community or specialised AI forums are also valuable resources for learning and networking.

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter are useful for following industry leaders, joining AI groups, and participating in relevant discussions.

Find a mentor

AI professionals face various challenges daily. You can deal with them successfully if you have someone to guide you. Mentors can give you advice, help you solve problems, and even introduce you to other important people.

A survey by Olivet Nazarene University found that 76% of people think mentors are important, but only 37% actually have one. So, finding someone experienced in AI who can help guide you is a good idea.

6.     Look for the AI job: Begin the hunt

Apply to job positions that match your skill level. You can look for them on online job forums like Glassdoor or submit your resume to AI companies so they can contact you when a vacancy becomes available.

Update your resume to showcase relevant skills and experiences in areas such as machine learning, data analysis, and programming languages.

7.     Prepare for the interview: Get ready to shine

If you have received an interview call, it is time to prepare for it to make a good first impression.

Practice answering common questions like “How do you handle large datasets?” out loud so you are ready. Review your coding and problem-solving skills as you might get a coding test or have to explain how you would tackle a machine-learning problem.

On the interview day, dress smartly, arrive on time, and listen carefully to the interviewer. Doing all these things can really help you ace that AI job interview!

8.     Keep learning: Stay updated

The AI field is always changing, so you must keep learning. Keep an eye on what is new in the AI world. Read industry news and academic papers to stay informed. Online forums and social media groups are also great places to learn about AI trends.

Why AI? The perks and potential

The following points indicate potential benefits of joining this field.

High demand: The demand for AI specialists is increasing with time. According to a report by LinkedIn, AI specialist roles have grown by nearly 74% annually over the past four years. That is a significant increase compared to other job sectors.

Versatility: The AI field offers a variety of roles that match different skill sets and interests. You could be a data scientist who focuses on analysing large datasets. Or, you could become a machine learning engineer who creates algorithms.

Competitive salaries: AI jobs are some of the most high-paying jobs in the world. According to Glassdoor data, the average salary for a machine learning engineer in the US is around $140,207 annually. It is more than the national average for all jobs.

Summing it up

Build a strong educational background and master languages like Python. Make sure to showcase your technical and soft skills in your portfolio.

Networking plays a big role, too, so go to events and consider finding a mentor. When it comes to interviews, prepare well by practising common questions and revising technical skills.

AI is an ever-evolving field that is full of opportunities, just waiting for someone like you to grab them. With the right skills and a passion for learning, you can excel in this field and impact the future of technology in many ways.